Skioufikta, fresh rolled Cretan pasta
This pasta is one of my favorite dishes! In the Cretan version of the recipe, you boil the pasta, make a brown butter, pour it over and add a hard cheese. Here
This pasta is one of my favorite dishes! In the Cretan version of the recipe, you boil the pasta, make a brown butter, pour it over and add a hard cheese. Here is the well-known fresh pasta from Crete. The name may vary: Skioufihta, Skioufikta, Skioufichta.

46 min. =

15 min. +

1 min. +

30 min.
1 knife1 pasta sheeter1 sauce pan1 mixing bowl
Ingredients for 1 part
- 500 mg. sea salt
- 40 g. flour
- 30 g. water
- 0.5 c. à c. olive oil
- 20 g. whole-wheat flour
- In the bowl, add the flours, water, salt, olive oil and knead for 3 minutes.
- When the dough thickens, add the rest of the olive oil and knead for another 3 minutes.
- Reserve under plastic and let rest for 30 minutes.
- Roll out the dough to 1mm and cut into strips of 1cm and 3cm long.
- Press with two fingers and roll sideways to form tubes. If the dough is too sticky, sprinkle with a little flour.
- Leave to dry for 1 hour and cook in a large volume of boiling salted water for 1 minute.