Recipes  >  Starter >  France

Hard-boiled eggs stuffed with sardines

Full of Omega3 and protein in this recipe for sardines in oil and hard-boiled eggs

Full of Omega3 and protein in this recipe for sardines in oil and hard-boiled eggs

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25 min.
15 min.
10 min.


1 sauce pan 1 mixing bowl

Ingredients for 4 parts


  1. Soak the eggs for 10 minutes in boiling salted water, then run cold water over them and let them cool completely.
  2. Finely chop the chives and chop the peeled onion, put them in a salad bowl with the mustard. Peel the eggs. Cut each one in half lengthwise. Remove the yolks and add them to the salad bowl. Remove the sardines from their bones and add them to the rest as well as 2 tbsp of their oil. Crumble the sardines and egg yolks with a fork. Add salt and pepper and mix well to combine all the ingredients.
  3. Garnish each half egg white with this preparation, pack it into the hollow left by the yolk, taking care to make a dome.


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